Gordon "McLoven" Gannon takes the Title.
Gannon came to life after winning the 'Surf Master's 2010', he then quickly captured the coveted "Best Photo" of the season and all he needed to do from there was to show up and Paddle. Maui John and Glenn Goodwin were on Gannon's tail, but could not come up with a photo to compete with Mclovens shot. In fact, Gannon's shot was good enough that it was used for this promo.
Gannon a Lock to Win this Seasons Title with 5 days remaining!
The storms lined up and the swells rolled in. Maui John was off shore on the outer reef... dry... riding giants. Maui John got in a rythmn and caught back to back massive right handers. There is no doubt that he dominated this storm and moved into position to take this seasons title.
All Maui John needed was to get a good photo riding a Giant.
"...man, I was having the best 'big wave' session ever." said Maui John. "...then I got cocky and really went deep...I was too deep when the peak wave of the set came...I duck dove no problem, but the wave was simply too powerful for the leash...it broke which is a disaster on that wave. The channel rips so hard the board can slip out the channel before you get to it..." said Maui John
The board remains a drift.
With his main board Lost at Sea, it looks like Maui John is out of the running for Dominican National Paddle Boarding Championships. Gordon Gannon should walk away with this Seasons Title.
Gannon has a solid grip on this Seasons title with a win at the SUP Masters as well as being in contention for "Best Photo". Maui John needed to come up with a shot deep in the barrel of a Monster Wave to win this season. His season looks to be over with his main board lost at sea and his new boards on a container some where between Miami and the Dominican Republic.
Rest in Peace "NSP SUP Gangster board"
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
SUP 'Best Photo' Winter Season 2010
With only 11 days remaining in the DR SUP National Championship, Gordon Gannon is looking good.
Gannon won the 'SUP Masters' 2010 and is in the running to win 'Best Photo' for this season, but there are more than a few good storms on the way. All it will take to join Gannon on the podium would a 'Pure Barrel' shot.
SUP Masters
Gannon Repeats as SUP Masters Champion
SUP Masters was a Huge Success...good conditions and everyone had a good time...
Gordon Gannon and Maui John battled to the bitter end. The number 1 and 2 seeds won all their heats and met in the finals. Maui John quickly got control of the heat. Gannon had every opportunity to lose, but he stayed consistent and kept scoring points. Maui John was in the perfect position to take the Finals, at the 17 minute mark, he was the only one at the peak with three minuets left in the heat. He had plenty of time to grab a great wave. Instead he got anxious and took a good wave...a good wave wasn't enough. Gannon won the SUP Masters 2010 by .05 of a point. Congratulations to Gordon Gannon!
The "Best Photo" is yet to be decided
SUP Masters was a Huge Success...good conditions and everyone had a good time...
Gordon Gannon and Maui John battled to the bitter end. The number 1 and 2 seeds won all their heats and met in the finals. Maui John quickly got control of the heat. Gannon had every opportunity to lose, but he stayed consistent and kept scoring points. Maui John was in the perfect position to take the Finals, at the 17 minute mark, he was the only one at the peak with three minuets left in the heat. He had plenty of time to grab a great wave. Instead he got anxious and took a good wave...a good wave wasn't enough. Gannon won the SUP Masters 2010 by .05 of a point. Congratulations to Gordon Gannon!
The "Best Photo" is yet to be decided
Friday, November 26, 2010
Master SUP Results 1st Day
Master SUP Finalists
Gannon, Goodwin, Jens Baur and John Holzhall advance to finals in hard fought heats...large surf expected for tomorrow's finals (Enquentro beach Park)
"anyone could take it tomorrow" says Gordon Gannon
The Germans paddled strong, the Swiss paddled well and the North Americans had the conditioning.
Four remain, "any One Could win it!" says Gordon Gannon who advanced to the finals.
"It was rough conditions but plenty of waves" said Gannon who took first place in both his heats today.
Jens Braur, John Holzhall, Glenn Goodwin also advanced to the final heat which will be at 7am tomorrow Saturday morning.
Pictured below from top to bottom:
"McLoven" Gordon Gannon cuts back Left
"Maui John" Holzhall looks right for a head dip
Glenn "Chico" Goodwin tucks to make the section
None of the finalists are from the DR, but they all live, work and paddle there...some for more then 20 years, others not so long.
The Germans paddled 'Strong' with Jens Baur as the only German to advance. Marcus Bohm paddled well and was competitive but failed to advance.
The Swiss had good strategy, Solo Slivinsky did well in his first heat but ran out of gas in the later heat and failed to advance.
American John Holzhall passed his first heat and won the second heat to advance to the finals.
Canadians Gordon Gannon and Glenn Goodwin advanced through to the finals putting Canada in good position to win it all tomorrow.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Opening Party for SUP Masters
Kick Off Party Tonite at Nikki Beach featuring DJ ONNO and Clarisse
"As the US celebrates Thanksgiving, people in the
Tropics Celebrate Ocean Culture and the return of Big Waves...traditionally the Sub-Tropics and Tropics got great surf on Thanksgiving, Christmas and especially New Years..." says Maui John "over the years the 'Ocean Culture' has grown and evolved dramatically, so has the tradition of Giving Thanks for all the finer things in Ocean Living.
"Tonites party will be as warm and welcoming as any Thanksgiving dinner. Instead of turkey, it's OC tradition to eat Sashimi along with as much of the fresh fish, lobster, beverages and herbs that Ocean Living has to offer."
Thanksgiving has roots that predate the US and Canada, Ocean Culture is not so old. Duke Kahanamoku traveled internationally between Olympic competitions, and after retiring from the Olympics, to give Swimming and Surfing exhibitions. It was during this period that he popularized the sport of surfing, previously known only in Hawaii. His surf exhibition at Sydney's Freshwater Beach on December 23, 1914 is widely regarded as the 'birth' surfing in Australia
The numbers of watermen were small and a bit on the 'outcast' side, this is really how the 'Ocean Culture' developed into it's own. Now 'Watermen' and the 'lifestyle' are creeping into the mainstream. People are realizing 'Ocean Culture' for what it is...tonites Party at Nikki Beach displays the best of Ocean Culture.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Big Surf for SUP Master?
"Look for GOOD surf to Hit SUP Masters ...
"The next storm front has the 'North to South' movement required to displace our Trade winds and bring large surf Saturday." says Maui John. "The swell should peak in 120 hours or Saturday Morning..."
How do you figure this?
"this current storm is giving us good swell, but a loto wind because this storm is heading way up north...like Greenland...allowing the trade winds to rage" says Maui John "the next storm will hit way down south like Central/North Africa. This southerly movement should displace the Bermuda High that gives the us our trades winds."
So what kind of Surf do you expect for the SUP Masters?
"...could be head high on Friday morning...should be well over head Saturday dropping a just bit on Sunday..."
What about the wind?
"...traditionally this type of storm will cut our trade winds, but does have the possibility of bringing a 'clearing wind' or 'Westerly'...but my guess is that we will have big surf in the am with off shore winds..."
If big surf hits, how will the judging work?
"...if the swell hits and the wind holds off, our Big Wave Challenge will happen at the same time as SUP Masters. The scoring for the Big Wave Challenge is a "Three Point Must System"
- 1 point for "Best Wave"
- 1 point for the first one to 5 waves (if surf is 9' +) or first to 10 waves (if surf is - 9' )
- 1 point for "Best Photo"
SUP Masters is using the Surf Metric System
- 1 point for a catching wave and then .whatever for expression on the wave
- best 2 waves count
Who has the advantage?
"...good question...Encuentro can only handle medium high surf, so if it gets really big...it will be a 'Burly Man' contest...who ever can punch out of a closed out channel the best will have a good shot win it all".... says Maui John
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
SUP Masters is Crown Jewel for Winter Storm Season
Masters Surf Reunion 2010
Thursday, November 25 at 6:00am - November 28 at 5:00pm
Playa Encuentro
"...this is a must win event.." says Gordon Gannon "...this event has all the photographers and it's held at an easy place to shoot (Encuentro)..." says Gannon who is favored to win the event. "...I hope to win 'Best Photo' and the event...this would put me in good position for the rest of the season..." says Gannon.
"...this is a big event...one person could win 'Best Photo' and the event, this will put them in a good position to win the Winter Season which ends New Years Eve 2010..says 'Maui John'.
Why is Gannon favored to win even though he has never won 'Best Photo' and did not do well in the 2010 Hurricane Season?
" Gordon is the favorite mainly because he's training the hardest. He is paddling the most and cross training daily" says Maui John.
...but Marcus Bohm has won consecutive "Best Photo" awards and you just dominated the 2010 Hurricane Season.
"ya, but Marcus just broke his main board...hard to win anything without your main board...as for our SUP National Championship, that is a different deal...it is a Big Wave Challenge, it only happens when the surf is 10' or bigger. Marcus and I are fortunate to be able to ride every large swell...we got our priorities straight." says Maui John
So who do you think will win?
"I think Marcus is out because of gear, Glenn Goodwin is a long shot because he just returned to the island on the other hand, he knows the spot, he is fresh and took the last SUP event at Encuentro. Gordon is in good shape and he has been training at Encuentro...he will be hard to beat. The only chance I have is if its big...really big...10' and over is my advantage..." say Maui John
here is more about the event :
SUP Master
The Winner of this event will earn points towards the Dominican National Paddle Board Championships - Winter Season 2010 - This event will count as 1 storm towards point total. The "Best Photo" award will also most likely be got at this event.
here is more about the event :
The party starts with a "sign up" at Nikki Beach, Playa Cabarete on Thursday, 25th of November...the wave riding starts Friday morning at 7am on Playa Encuentro.
Last year the surf started out good and became massive. This year we wish for the same.
This event is a reunion of all the various people who have surfed the DR as well as local Dominicans of past and present generations. The goal is to promote and celebrate Ocean Culture and to keep the tribe together. This is an event for all those interested in wave riding and beach living.
The categories are many and varied, including SUP Master, Grand Master, Retro, Expression, and even Grand Kahuna.
Waves standard system
Prize money:
There is no prize money, the thinking is that 'Purses' bring out whinners and moaners, this event is a celebration of Ocean Culture and the art of wave riding.
Entry fee:
Contestants only pay $18usd or RD$ 600.00. Every competitor that inscribes and
participates will receive a bounty of gifts and prizes.
participates will receive a bounty of gifts and prizes.
Thursday November 25th 6pm Nikki Beach Playa Cabarete
Saturday November 27th 6pm at Maraja Playa Cabarete
DJ's and Rock n Roll bands will be on Playa Cabarete, Thursday 25 to Sunday November 28, 2010.SUP Master
The Winner of this event will earn points towards the Dominican National Paddle Board Championships - Winter Season 2010 - This event will count as 1 storm towards point total. The "Best Photo" award will also most likely be got at this event.
Huge Surf for National SUP title Winter 2010
Maui John takes 1-0 lead in Winter Storm Season 2010
"The storm came straight down the East Coast of North America. It brought Huge North Swells with it. The entire East Coast and Carribean got massive surf." said "Maui" John Holzhall.
"Our Hurricane season brought great surf and we just rolled right into the Winter Storm pattern..." said Gordon Gannon
Maui John was able to find a channel to get out easily, he caught the mandatory 5 waves to take the Big Wave Title on both Saturday and Sunday. His lead is now 1-0 going into the SUP Master contest starting November 25th.
"...i'm tired of getting punched in the head on North Swells...I finally found a 'Jaws' like channel and a nice big left..." said Maui John.
Rumor has it that you paddled out dry?
" yeap...the channel was working like a dream...still can't believe it...I was dry for the first 5 waves on Big Sunday"... said Maui John.
The North Swell did take it's toll...veteran Water Man Marcus Bohm, went into the water with one 10'6" Naish, he came out with two 5'3" Naish boards.
"The storm came straight down the East Coast of North America. It brought Huge North Swells with it. The entire East Coast and Carribean got massive surf." said "Maui" John Holzhall.
"Our Hurricane season brought great surf and we just rolled right into the Winter Storm pattern..." said Gordon Gannon
Maui John was able to find a channel to get out easily, he caught the mandatory 5 waves to take the Big Wave Title on both Saturday and Sunday. His lead is now 1-0 going into the SUP Master contest starting November 25th.
"...i'm tired of getting punched in the head on North Swells...I finally found a 'Jaws' like channel and a nice big left..." said Maui John.
Rumor has it that you paddled out dry?
" yeap...the channel was working like a dream...still can't believe it...I was dry for the first 5 waves on Big Sunday"... said Maui John.
The North Swell did take it's toll...veteran Water Man Marcus Bohm, went into the water with one 10'6" Naish, he came out with two 5'3" Naish boards.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Hurricane Season 2010 over?
The 2010 Hurricane Season is not officially over, but it looks like Marcus Bohm will win 'Best Photo" and "Maui John" Holzhall will wrap up First Place for Big Wave Riding impressively winning:
1. Hurricane Igor
2. Tropical Storm Bonnie
3. Tropical Storm Colin
4. Hurricane Danielle
5. Hurricane Earl
These and many more storms pounded the North Shore of the Dominican Republic 2010. Many consider Hurricane Season 2010 to have been the "Best SUP Season" ever. More paddlers enjoyed the action this year, but few Paddle Boarders could handle the Massive North Swells when they arrived. Maui John, Gordon Gannon and Marcus Bohm were the few who were able to ride these massive waves.
Marcus Bohm scored 1st place for the coveted "Best Photo" of the Hurricane 2010 Season.
Congratulations to both Marcus Bohm and Maui John Holzhall for their wins in the 2010 Hurricane Season.
Let the 2010 Winter season begin!
Below, Hurricanes Igor - Earl and Danielle
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Paddle Boarding Dominican Republic
SUP Dominican Republic
Paddle Boarding - Dominican Republic
All lessons are supervisied by "Maui" John.
John is the premiere Eco-X-Ocean Sports Trainer, particularly Kite boarding, Kite Boating and SUP. Email us to reserve your space.

John's Training Schedule is broken into sessions.
7am- 10:00am Stand Up Paddle Boarding - SUP daily from $20usd
1pm-3pm Intro to Kite from $60 usd
3pm to 5pm Water start/Advanced Kite from $110 usd
5pm to 7pm Wave Riding/Advanced Kite $40usd
The Lagoon is always open for Paddle Boarding, for more about our SUP Camps, Accommodations and SUP tours email us at methodlodge@gmail.com
We use the Latest NSP paddle boards as well as Nak Swell, Naish and Starboard. We have 20 boards in stock ranging from 7'8" to 12'. If you are interested in a certain size or brand please contact us to reserve the board. Rental rates start at $20usd a session. Group and long term rentals apply.
We ship boards internationally, so no matter where you are, we can get a board to you. Packages start at $1199usd. Please email us email us your height, weight, age and location for a custom quote.

Method SUP Hurricane Season has been good to us and it looks like another "Perfect Storm" will bring excellent surf by next week end. Let's paddle!

We discovered another bigger - badder - better wave. It's unreal but a bit dangerous and should only be ridden by experts. The wave is way off shore and picks up on a shallow ledge then throws top to bottom like a Hawaiian 5-0 wave then it gets really hollow on the inside. One of the Dominican Republic's Top Paddle Boarders, John Holzhall, tore it up on the last Tropical Swell. It is rumored that the wave ate his paddle while he was surfing the wave. The paddle has yet to be found. The wave is named 'Towers', it has a mile wide channel and barrels
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
SURF- Huricane Season
Could it be that Hurricane Season has started? YES, the North Shore of the DR received a quality swell off a tropical system (Saturday-Tuesday). The system shut down North Shore Trade winds, but brought super swell, a foot or two over head on the sets. Slight off shore wind prevailed making for incredible action.
We asked SUP Coach and Dominican Paddle Boarding Champion, Maui John, "Will this be a great year for Hurricane Surf?"
MJ: YES...expect a good year, it started already and should continue through November.
We asked SUP Coach and Dominican Paddle Boarding Champion, Maui John, "Will this be a great year for Hurricane Surf?"
MJ: YES...expect a good year, it started already and should continue through November.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
SUP CUP Hot Shot
The SUP Cup Master has two categories;
1. First one to catch 10 waves
2. Best Shot
Below are the finalists for Best Shot:
# 1 Shot by Sebastian - Rider Marcus Boehm
#2 Shot By Gino Lopez - Rider Gordon Gannon
#3 Shot By Gino Lopez - Rider Maui John Holzhall

#4 Shot By Gino Lopez - Rider - Glenn Goodwin
1. First one to catch 10 waves
2. Best Shot
Below are the finalists for Best Shot:
# 1 Shot by Sebastian - Rider Marcus Boehm

#4 Shot By Gino Lopez - Rider - Glenn Goodwin

Sunday, February 28, 2010
Goodwin takes SUP Cup

Goodwin tears up the inside to take the Master of the Ocean SUP Cup 2010.
Goodwin's strategy of working the inside earned him the two best days of surf and the SUP Cup. Goodwin had surfed Encuentro for years, this experience paid off as he seemed to know exactly where the next wave would break. Goodwin was perfect 7-7 on his first 7 waves. He took the lead early and never gave it up.
"...I was catching clean inside sets between the bigger outside sets..." Said Goodwin "...when the bigger sets came in I was in the right place at the right time."
Maui John finished second both days while Gordon Gannon finished with 2 third places.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Goodwin Dominates SUP Master
The swell hit, the wind was perfect as the sun came up Saturday Morning for the Master of the Ocean Sup CUP. Glenn "Chico" Goodwin put the hammer down early and never let up. "...I had no choice I had to" said Goodwin. Goodwin began the day trailing Maui John and McLoven by 1 with only two days remaining. Pictured below, Glenn "Chico" Goodwin takes the wave from McLoven. Photo by Photo Lopez

Goodwin took an early lead over Maui John and Gordon Gannon, all the contestants had high percentages, but Goodwin managed the sets beautiful and quickly got a two wave lead, Maui John made a late charge but it just wasn't enough.
"that was the most competitive day in Dominican SUP history" said Gannon who is pictured below.

"..I caught the first wave, but Glenn got on fire and stayed hot" said Maui John "...that is the best i've seen him paddle..."

Photos by:
Photo Lopez

Goodwin took an early lead over Maui John and Gordon Gannon, all the contestants had high percentages, but Goodwin managed the sets beautiful and quickly got a two wave lead, Maui John made a late charge but it just wasn't enough.
"that was the most competitive day in Dominican SUP history" said Gannon who is pictured below.

"..I caught the first wave, but Glenn got on fire and stayed hot" said Maui John "...that is the best i've seen him paddle..."

Photos by:
Photo Lopez
Friday, February 26, 2010
Best SUP Shot
Swell Hits for Master Surf

Swell hit and surfers surfed on Friday at the Master of the Ocean. Clearing winds came from the West all night and into the am hours. Winds calmed as the surf grew. Friday had the biggest surf of the competition to date. Maui John battled heavy conditions for 10 waves to take the day and bring the SUP Cup to a tie at 1- 1 with Gordon Gannon. Thursday and Friday are the days that count so far for the SUP CUP.
"...some people call these days 'big and ugly' to me it's head high surf with air conditioning" said Maui John
"it was a battle to get ten waves...at sunrise I thought that we would be kiting, surf cleaned up quickly as the Haitian wind laid down " said Maui John. "the swell is rising...tomorrow will be big...the 'Master' will be a big wave surfer...just what we wanted" said Maui John
Surf Qualifiers ran for the Overall Competition, good surfers struggled to get 3 waves in their heats, other surfers failed to catch any waves.
Maui John is using the Paddle Board in the Over All Surf...here is what he had to say..." the surf is gonna be big and if the wind stays away I should be good, but if the wind comes 'onshore' good short boarders will have a huge advantage..." said Maui John. I'm just hoping for no wind or off shore wind in the morning...the size is there...the storm passed...should have glassy surf in the mornings and good wind late...this could be a perfect surf and kite weekend!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
McLoven leads Master SUP

Gordon "McLoven" Gannon takes commanding lead in the Master of the Ocean SUP Exhibition.
Gannon wins the first two SUP days by a narrow margin over John Holzhall (Maui John).
"...we count the best two days of surf..." said Gannon "so the first two days were small and fun, I won by percentage...they probably won't count, but we will see".
Large surf is predicted for the weekend.
Gannon caught 10 out of 12 waves the first day, 10 for 11 waves the second day where as Maui John went 10 for 13 the first day and 10 for 13 the second day.
"...i'm not used to the parties...i'm not a big drinker, but the Masters parties are so much fun it's hard not to go...i'm paying a price at sunrise" said Maui John "the last two days I missed my first two waves...but I had a great time at the parties!"

"...Master of the Ocean is really a celebration of 'Beach Living' and there is no better beach living than the North Coast of the Dominican Republic." said McLoven "...last night I was watching Canada beat Russia in Hockey at an open air beach bar, next door they were having the event party, they had a 'Best Lips Contest' ...20 brown girls doing all kind of things to show off their lips...all this after catching glassy surf in tropical water...fantastic!" said Gannon.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Master SUP Cup Warm Ups
A large swell is due to arrive Friday night, contestants had fun warming up in smallish waves today in Encuentro at the Master of The Ocean 2010 event.
The Event starts daily at 7am with the Stand Up Paddle Board Exhibition (SUP Cup).
Judging for the SUP Cup.
1. 1st one to 10 waves wins
2. Shoulder hops count for a half point
3. Heats last for an hour

4. Heat starts at 7am
5. The first one to get 10 waves wins that day
6 The two biggest surf days count
7. 15,000 pesos for the winner
8. 5,000 pesos for second
9. Prizes for third
10. There will be a winner Sunday night, awards will follow at LAX restaurant.
Here is what they have to say...
"...it was just great to get in the water" said Event Organizer Marcus Boehm

"...this is modern SUP and Dominican History"... said Maui John
"...i'm feeling good...had a great couple days of warm ups and big surf is heading our way" said Gordon "McLoven" Gannon.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Excellent surf for the Master

We asked SUP Champion John Holzhall for his wind and wave prediction.
Q. What are the conditions gonna be?
A. Looks like it will be windy through Friday, then A "Passing low" will bring waves. The swell should peak this weekend!
Q. So KITE for the 1st part of the event and SURF for the 2nd?
A. Yes, think about kiting through Friday and Surfing this weekend.
Q. How do you know?
A. I check the Navy Wave Model and make my estimation from there based on how fast the storm is moving. It is snowing in New York now and that storm will be bringing us waves.
Q. How do you know which way they will go?
A. Winter Storms in the Northern Hemisphere move from East to West...so if it is raining in Maui, an experienced surf should be able to tell you when the Rockies will get snow, the Southern US rain and the DR waves.
Inscription Master Of the Ocean
Inscription Party for the Master Of the Ocean is tonight at the Aloha Bar across from Ocean One Condos. The Party starts at 7pm, riders will sign up, pay, get event info and rash guards.
There is a pre-party at the Lagoon Lounge for Event Officials and those contestants involved in the Stand Up Paddle (SUP) and Kite Race Exhibitions.
Good luck to all the Contestants!
There is a pre-party at the Lagoon Lounge for Event Officials and those contestants involved in the Stand Up Paddle (SUP) and Kite Race Exhibitions.
Good luck to all the Contestants!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Who will be the "Next Top Waterman?"
Master of the Ocean Week is here!
"...this is the biggest event of the Winter and it marks the 'peak' of the Winter Surf Season" says current SUP Champion and competitor John Holzhall.
Q. Who will be the "Next Top Waterman?"
A. I spoke with Luciano Gonzolas in the surf this morning and he is certain that he will win!
Q. Luciano Gonzales, Why?
A. He has been training hard and he knows all three sports. The "tri- athlete" bracket is easier if you can do all three sports.
Q. Do you think you can win it?
A. I need an angle and that angle is big waves...I mean massive surf. The kind of surf people get hurt in. If we get big surf, I have a good chance.
Q. What is the outlook?
A. I'm calling for a swell to hit Friday night, I hope it's big!
Q. How does the judging work?
A. There are two brackets, the guys that are doing all the sports have a bracket and Individual sports have a Bracket.
Q. Who are the Judges?
A. Julian Kidd is the Competition director
SURF Ronald Quevedo
Kite Raul Corniel
Windsurf Adolfo Ramirez
Q. How does the judging actually work?
A. The Metric system is used for the Surf. Contestants get one point for a wave and then points for hitting the wave the hardest. Only the best 2 waves in a 20 minute heat count.
Q. Give me an example?
A. Well, Snoop... drop in - hit the lip - in the pit and back to the lip - down the line- head dip then off the lip. You hit that and you'll score 1.9..one for the wave . 9 for the action 1.9. Got it?
Q. How about Kite and Windsurf?
A. Overall impression rules apply to the wind sports because they are so much more dynamic.
Q. Give me an example?
A. Well Snoop, you will leave a lasting impression if you hit the wave face hard and boost high.
Q. What does someone have to do to become "Master of the Ocean?"
A.They have to be the best tri-athlete. Conditions dictate and contestants adjust. Wind and Water are the two most powerful forces on earth, the winner will be the person who dominates them the best.
Q. What is the best part of Master of the Ocean?
A. Getting paid to rip Encuentro and partying like a rock star because you know, no place does parties like the DR does. Masters is the biggest Ocean Sports celebration!
"...this is the biggest event of the Winter and it marks the 'peak' of the Winter Surf Season" says current SUP Champion and competitor John Holzhall.
Q. Who will be the "Next Top Waterman?"
A. I spoke with Luciano Gonzolas in the surf this morning and he is certain that he will win!
Q. Luciano Gonzales, Why?
A. He has been training hard and he knows all three sports. The "tri- athlete" bracket is easier if you can do all three sports.
Q. Do you think you can win it?
A. I need an angle and that angle is big waves...I mean massive surf. The kind of surf people get hurt in. If we get big surf, I have a good chance.
Q. What is the outlook?
A. I'm calling for a swell to hit Friday night, I hope it's big!
Q. How does the judging work?
A. There are two brackets, the guys that are doing all the sports have a bracket and Individual sports have a Bracket.
Q. Who are the Judges?
A. Julian Kidd is the Competition director
SURF Ronald Quevedo
Kite Raul Corniel
Windsurf Adolfo Ramirez
Q. How does the judging actually work?
A. The Metric system is used for the Surf. Contestants get one point for a wave and then points for hitting the wave the hardest. Only the best 2 waves in a 20 minute heat count.
Q. Give me an example?
A. Well, Snoop... drop in - hit the lip - in the pit and back to the lip - down the line- head dip then off the lip. You hit that and you'll score 1.9..one for the wave . 9 for the action 1.9. Got it?
Q. How about Kite and Windsurf?
A. Overall impression rules apply to the wind sports because they are so much more dynamic.
Q. Give me an example?
A. Well Snoop, you will leave a lasting impression if you hit the wave face hard and boost high.
Q. What does someone have to do to become "Master of the Ocean?"
A.They have to be the best tri-athlete. Conditions dictate and contestants adjust. Wind and Water are the two most powerful forces on earth, the winner will be the person who dominates them the best.
Q. What is the best part of Master of the Ocean?
A. Getting paid to rip Encuentro and partying like a rock star because you know, no place does parties like the DR does. Masters is the biggest Ocean Sports celebration!
Friday, February 19, 2010
SUP Competition

Masters of the Ocean SUP-Exhibition Friday the 26th of Feb. - Sunday Feb. 28th from 7am-8am daily.
The Competitors
3 Past Dominican Paddle Boarding Champions are sighed up and ready to compete.
Glenn Goodwin, Gordon Gannon, John Holzhall.
Ocean World Casino odds on Favorite has John Holzhall to win, Glenn Goodwin Second and Gordon Gannon 3rd.
How does the Exhibition Work:
The same rules as the Dominican Championships apply.
1. Contestants hit the water at 7am
2. The first one to ten waves wins
3. The heat finishes at 8am
4. In case of a tie, percentages count 10-12 beats 10-14
Here is a Quick Q&A with Dominican Paddle Boarding Champion John Holzhall
Q.How do you like the format?
A. I love it. It is what "happens" every time there are good waves.
Q. It is very different that Surf Contests?
A. A "Surf Contest" is more like a "Prom Queen" set up unlike the Dominican Championships which is based on catching waves.
Q. Is the guy who catches the most waves the best?
A. For sure, the guy who catches the most waves is the best surfer. There is no way a great surfer is going to let a good surfer catch more waves with out a battle.
Q. What happens if he does?
A. The day the "good surfer" catches more waves is the day he is a winner. This happens everyday in great surf. That is the way waves work.
Q.So you are documenting what happens in Paddle Boarding naturally?
A. Exactly...Surfers always keep score , and Stand Up Paddle Boarding (SUP) is more so because you are either standing or falling.
Q. I see, the best Paddler will always catch look the best and catch the most waves?
A. Exactly, we just added structure.
Q. How long does it take to catch 10 waves?
A. In big waves under an hour...If you catch ten waves in less than an hour, you might win.
Q. Do you think you will win the Masters SUP?
A. I'm gonna have to work for it...this event will be competitive.
Q. What is the Key to winning?
A. Execution...the guy who goes out and goes 5 for 5 is gonna be in good shape, after that it's all strategy and conditioning.
Q. Is it hard to catch 10 waves?
A. Most surfers only dream about catching 10 waves in a day. In this event the winner will probably go 10 for 10waves.
Q. So the winner has to be perfect?
A. Ya, to win plan on going 10 for 10 or 10 for 11.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Masters of the Ocean
Masters of the Ocean will have a separate Paddle Boarding Exhibition daily from 7am-8am at Playa Encuentro, North Coast Dominican Republic.
the same rules as the DNPBC apply, they are:
1. First one to ten waves wins that day.
2.In case of a tie, percentages count. ie 10-for-12 beats 10-for-13.
3. Shoulder hops count as 1/2 a wave.
This event counts as points towards the Dominican National Paddle Boarding Championships.
4. The one who wins the most days takes the trophy.
To sign up email us at methodlodge@gmail.com or go to Masters of the Ocean
This is it, the Crown Jewel of Winter Season starts next week...here is what the competitors have to say.
The wave:
"I love that wave says" Gordon Gannon, "it's gonna be fun. Encuentro is a perfect place for the event and "Coco Pipes" is a great SUP wave.
"this is a big Paddle Boarding event here in the DR" says John Holzhall. "I'm excited, the format is perfect, the wave is fantastic and the competitors are strong. Everyone is looking to win this event! To win the Dominican National Championships Winter Season you almost have to win this event. The waves will be there, the photographers will be there...it's gonna be good!"
the same rules as the DNPBC apply, they are:
1. First one to ten waves wins that day.
2.In case of a tie, percentages count. ie 10-for-12 beats 10-for-13.
3. Shoulder hops count as 1/2 a wave.
This event counts as points towards the Dominican National Paddle Boarding Championships.
4. The one who wins the most days takes the trophy.
To sign up email us at methodlodge@gmail.com or go to Masters of the Ocean
This is it, the Crown Jewel of Winter Season starts next week...here is what the competitors have to say.
The wave:
"I love that wave says" Gordon Gannon, "it's gonna be fun. Encuentro is a perfect place for the event and "Coco Pipes" is a great SUP wave.
"this is a big Paddle Boarding event here in the DR" says John Holzhall. "I'm excited, the format is perfect, the wave is fantastic and the competitors are strong. Everyone is looking to win this event! To win the Dominican National Championships Winter Season you almost have to win this event. The waves will be there, the photographers will be there...it's gonna be good!"
Monday, February 15, 2010
Big Saturday
The swell hit and the wind went off-shore. John Holzhall got in a groove early at Punta Goleta's "Heaven and Hell" break while Glenn Goodwin stayed home and surfed "Glenn's Point." Both surfers got their 10 waves in and tied for first. Later that day the "Kiteboarding 4 kids" Paddle Boarding Race took place. John Holzhall won easily.
Here is a quick Q&A
Q. What did the race in tail?
A. It was a race from LEK Bozo beach, out through the surf, catch three waves and then paddle into kite beach.
Q. How long did it take you.
A. 52 minutes.
Q. What was the hardest part?
A. There was not much wind, so the paddling was easy, but the surf was big, there was a loto stretagy there.
Q. Who else was competitive?
A. A weak filed to say the least. Gordon Gannon was a slight favorite to win, but he got "Maple-leafed".
Q. What is Maple Leafed?
A. That is when a Canadian guy goes out for "a couple beers". Those couple beers turn into a few more and then they start signing the Canadian National Athem. Night turns to day and the "athlete" becomes "baggage." Even if they do show up, they just arn't worth much.
Q. How about Glenn Goodwin?
A. You are not gonna pull him away from large surf...not a chance.
Q. So it was an easy win?
A. Yeap, beat them like they weren't even there....
Here is a quick Q&A
Q. What did the race in tail?
A. It was a race from LEK Bozo beach, out through the surf, catch three waves and then paddle into kite beach.
Q. How long did it take you.
A. 52 minutes.
Q. What was the hardest part?
A. There was not much wind, so the paddling was easy, but the surf was big, there was a loto stretagy there.
Q. Who else was competitive?
A. A weak filed to say the least. Gordon Gannon was a slight favorite to win, but he got "Maple-leafed".
Q. What is Maple Leafed?
A. That is when a Canadian guy goes out for "a couple beers". Those couple beers turn into a few more and then they start signing the Canadian National Athem. Night turns to day and the "athlete" becomes "baggage." Even if they do show up, they just arn't worth much.
Q. How about Glenn Goodwin?
A. You are not gonna pull him away from large surf...not a chance.
Q. So it was an easy win?
A. Yeap, beat them like they weren't even there....

Friday, February 12, 2010
Mo swell
2010 has brought excellent surf! Swell from the storm that just paralized the US east coast will hit the DR tonight, so the Big Wave Competition is on this Weekend. There is also a paddle board race at 11.am Saturday. Vegas odds put Gordon Gannon slightly ahead of John Holzhall. "...just tell me when and where, i'll be there" Says Gannon. "...it's gonna be tough because we will be surfing massive swell at sunrise and then racing at 11am...don't be suprised if someone fresh takes it" says Holzhall.
New Spot
Holzhall has been working some new spots. Here is a quick Q&A with John:
Q. What is the new spot
A. Punta Goleta, it's an 'all time wave'
Q. When does it break?
A. It takes large and extra-large swell
Q. What kind of break is it?
A. the reef goes from deep to a shallow plate, so it draws up quickly out of nowhere like a Hawaiian wave. The right is long...like 300 yards long...and holds it's shape. The left is solid.
Q. How is the channel
A. Works great until the surf is massive...then it closes.
Q. Is it your favorite SUP wave?
A. With out a doubt.
New Spot
Holzhall has been working some new spots. Here is a quick Q&A with John:
Q. What is the new spot
A. Punta Goleta, it's an 'all time wave'

A. It takes large and extra-large swell
Q. What kind of break is it?
A. the reef goes from deep to a shallow plate, so it draws up quickly out of nowhere like a Hawaiian wave. The right is long...like 300 yards long...and holds it's shape. The left is solid.
Q. How is the channel
A. Works great until the surf is massive...then it closes.
Q. Is it your favorite SUP wave?
A. With out a doubt.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Largest Swell of 2010
WOW...that was big surf! Looks like the biggest part of the swell has passed...with that said what remains are large surfable waves...let's paddle!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
"Big Monday"

The Big Wave Challenge moves onto it's third season (Winter 2010). As the first good swell continues to hit the North Coast of The DR...a monster swell is expected to hit early Monday morning.
" this will be a break through season for sure because we keep finding great Paddle Boarding Waves on the North Coast. We are in Stand Up Paddle Boarding ( SUP ) Paradise." said Holzhall.
"...I cut back 4 or 5 times at the new break 'cross-roads'...the inside reforms beautifully..." said Gannon.
Q. Does break selection matter in this competition?
A. Definitely...when a wave closes out and there is no channel...SUP becomes really difficult, but a big wave that holds up and eventually dumps into a channel makes for SUP paradise.
For more about Stand Up Paddle boarding lessons and gear contact the Paddle's Cove Surf Shop.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
1st Storm 2010
Winter Wave Season should start in 12 hours as the next swell
hits the north coast of the DR. The field of Paddle Boarders is growing dramatically as word of the competition spreads.
hits the north coast of the DR. The field of Paddle Boarders is growing dramatically as word of the competition spreads.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Winter Season Starts Now!
Winter Surf Season has started and the 1st big swell of 2010 is two days away. Come on Let's Paddle!
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