Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Masters of the Ocean

Masters of the Ocean will have a separate Paddle Boarding Exhibition daily from 7am-8am at Playa Encuentro, North Coast Dominican Republic.
the same rules as the DNPBC apply, they are:
1. First one to ten waves wins that day.
2.In case of a tie, percentages count. ie 10-for-12 beats 10-for-13.
3. Shoulder hops count as 1/2 a wave.
This event counts as points towards the Dominican National Paddle Boarding Championships.
4. The one who wins the most days takes the trophy.

To sign up email us at methodlodge@gmail.com or go to Masters of the Ocean

This is it, the Crown Jewel of Winter Season starts next week...here is what the competitors have to say.

The wave:
"I love that wave says" Gordon Gannon, "it's gonna be fun. Encuentro is a perfect place for the event and "Coco Pipes" is a great SUP wave.

"this is a big Paddle Boarding event here in the DR" says John Holzhall. "I'm excited, the format is perfect, the wave is fantastic and the competitors are strong. Everyone is looking to win this event! To win the Dominican National Championships Winter Season you almost have to win this event. The waves will be there, the photographers will be there...it's gonna be good!"

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